Friday, October 29, 2010

Work! Work! Work!

How do you find the time to do everything? I'm a single mother with a full time job, three web studios and a passion for jewelry making. How in the world do you balance everything? There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to wear my many hats. Domestic Diva, yard man, pool boy, cook, seamstress, dispatcher, mom, electrician, repairman, web studio owner, graphic designer, jewelry just doesn't end. And I'm sure like all of my followers who have families of many shapes and sizes, we tend to put our wants, need and the such onthe back burner. Saying to ourselves "If I have time left, I'll do this for me". How do you fit all of these things in a 24 hour day. I have yet to master the art of time allotment. I have attempted to give myself a certain amount of time for everything. Unfortunately, I don't operate that way. I like to start and finish a task, preferring not to leave things undone.

Come on my followers: share your ideas for time management. I look forward to hearing from you.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


After listing over 150 items in my shop,  I came to the realization that MY PHOTO'S STINK! I thought that putting my jewelry on a white or black background would allow the buyer to see "just the jewelry". I started  reading the Photography thread  in the Artfire Forum and whew....brain overload. I read each post carefully..learing new terms along the way, iso, saturation, white balance...wth?!!
I started visiting other shops to see what I thought was visually appealing. In the end, my site looked like a catalogue....sigh! I learned that you can have backgrounds and "staging" that enhance your pieces without overpowering them. So I have been re-taking ALL of my photos....editing....and uploading them.
Here are my before and after shots. Whaddaya think?


Friday, October 22, 2010

It's Friday Payday!

Money in the bank...I'm heading off to the grocery store. Old Mother Hubbards Cupboard is bare. I finished the redline marble pendant and it came out great. I started another pendant. Again I just need to put the backing on.

It's a large jasper stone, in a seed bead woven bezel. I really love this piece. I just might have to reconsider selling this one.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Back to my Day Job!

Well, it's back to work after a 5 day mini-vaca. Luckily I can take a project with me to work on. Today it another beaded bezel gemstone pendant. Thank God for multi-tasking!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Leaving the Cave

I must leave the beading cave for now to take care of some domestic duties. Time to put the pool boy and landscaper hats on! I will be back though to finish this redline marble beadwoven pendant. I just need to put the backing on.

AND THE WINNER IS ....................

Thanks to all of you who played along and entered the "My wallet is empty" contest.  The results are in. I spent (drum roll please) $289.50. So that means that the winner of the contest is:  

Delinda of DeDeBobs of Artfire
visit her site!

Her guess was $269
YAY!!!!!   Everyone give her a hand....
SHE WINS............

Thanks to everyone who participated. Stay tuned for more contests.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pink Sunset Jewelry Designs Amber Nugget Necklace Feature in an Artfire Collection

My Wallet is Empty Contest --Can You Guess How Much I Spent?

This morning I headed north about an hour to Pompano Beach to attend the Intergalactic Bead Show. It was in a small old civic center auditorium. I found alot of the usual vendors and some new ones. Met a wonderful woman who makes lampwork and ceramic beads and focal pieces. She lives close to me too. this could be dangerous. Havana Beads Check her out. While searching for a seed bead vendor, I was told that there was a Down the Street bead show less than  a mile away. Poor planning on both organizers parts. But I left the first one...most of my allotted money gone, and headed to the next. Eureka, found my seed beads. Mission complete!
Look at all my goodies! How much do you think I spent?
The winner will be chosen from the first 25 posts OR guesses posted by 10am, est, Monday, October18th.
Ther person coming CLOSEST will win!
Post your guess and
 You Could Win This
1 1/2" square Beaded Bezel Mauve Picture Jasper Pendant!
Made from some of my purchased goodies.

The winner will be announced in the Artfire Forum and here on my Blog and will recieve their prize right away! (free shipping, of course)
 Can't wait to get some more work done.......

Saturday, October 16, 2010

You have to check out this shop!

I have seen this shop around the artifire water cooler. I finally took a look inside and, ahhhh (can you hear the harps?) I am in love with her little baby sculptures. I bought a baby's first christmas ornament today for a friend of mine. Isn't it just precious?
OOAK Baby Ornament 1st Christmas
Make sure to visit her shop ButtonWilloe Artfire Studio

And on a more serious note...I'm putting on my shopping hat and hitting the bead show today.

Friday, October 15, 2010

My Bead Treasure Hunt

Tomorrow is the Intergalactic Bead Show. I am on a quest for some interesting gemstones and findings. I have to put myself on a money restriction, due to lack of self-control at these types of venues. I've already started to compile a wish list. I always head out the door with the intention of sticking to the list....but we all know how this goes. I'll let you know if I fell off the bead wagon. maybe even post some of my goodies!!!
Wish me luck!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


I have just finished listing my 250th item on my Artfire Studio, Pink Sunset Jewelry Designs  . I have alot more to upload. I am still working on my photography....tweaking new and completed pieces.
Peach Moonstone and Brass Y Necklace
Peach Moonstone and Brass Y Necklace

Post Regatta work

Well, last weekend I spent on the water attending the Columbus Day Regatta. Just think Mardi Gras on the water. Well you get the picture.
The girls rockin the beads!

And then it was back to work on the jewelry (once I got my land legs back). My latest piece, inspired by the blue sky and ocean here in Miami.
Triple strands of oval faceted Amazonite gemstones  made into a bracelet.

Created and Sold!

Stay tuned for more........

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Welcome to Pink Sunset Jewelry Designs blogspot. I've just started. Check back soon for updates.