I love making jewelry and it's not all about the money, although my bank account says that it should be. I never want to lose sight of why I began making jewelry. It is very therapeutic for me when I tuck myself away in my little studio (aka the 3rd bedroon). I feel like the rest of the world doesn't exist. To me, there is nothing more satisfying than to be out somewhere and see someone wearing my jewelry. How validating is that?
It has become a business for me. So making a profit does matter. I never want to lose sight of why I started, and I never want creating to become something I dread waking up to do.
My goal this year is to find that delicate balance between business and pleasure. I am a single mom and a homeowner (jobs #1 and #2). I have a 40+ hours "day" job with the largest Fire Department in the Southeastern United States (job #3). Because I am a bead-a-holic, I have amassed a tremendous amount of supplies, so I opened up a destash shop (job #4). I was also blessed with inheriting a large stash of vintage jewelry, so I opened up a vintage jewelry studio (job #5) And finally, my Jewelry Desiging Studio. (job #6). oh yeah...and obviously, I'm a juggler too!
I still don't know how I fit all these job in a normal week. I manage to do it, but I want to be more efficient. To those of you reading this who don't run an online buisness, you have no idea what it takes to do that. I'll save that for another post.
So #1 on my list of New Years resolutions, scheduling. Making the most of the time I have and doing it in an efficient way. And still find time for ME.